Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First things First

First things first - Happy Birthday to my one and only older brother - Doug - I hope you have a great day and I will drink a pint in your honor.

That will be after I leave Carla's where I have been working all day on church stuff - imagine that . I get to preach on this coming Sunday. It will be a Pentecost sermon as well as an introductory sermon and it has to be short as there is communion and elder re-dedication. It should be fun and I am already working on prayers and such to round out the service. I have to come up with a sermon title and that is a bit challenging right now.

I did buy my bus pass for the week and can go anywhere I want around the city as much as I want - this week. I plan on taking full advantage of it so I will keep you posted. When I am out and about I will have to get someone to take my picture - and not run off with the camera - so you can all really believe that I am here, which I am.


  1. I'm glad the UK is treating you well. It was a treat to actually see something on here besides the packing post. I was worried that Oxford had eaten you or something. Looking foward to hearing more.
    Love ya
    PS. Good luck on the sermon.

  2. So you will be preaching on Whitsunday (Whitsun) as the Britts call it. Darci's best friend is from Northern Ireland and I remember her mentioning it on a visit during Pentecost. Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitsun
    Good Luck on the Sermon.

  3. I'm also glad that Oxford has not eaten you as Chrissy stated. I already miss you very much and wonder what the summer at the park will be like without you. It will hardly seem right being their without you. A lot has been happening around here and I wish I could tell it all to you. Say hi to JRR for me. Your sermon will be brillent and shine like a Pentecost sermon should because you are brillent and shine in the hearts of all that know you. Ayden sends his love and misses you as well. He is sleeping next to me now with a face of an angle that only a sleep child could have.

    Love ya
