Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tour de France - Stage 4 and 5

This morning we were off again to the city, taking Kenzo with us in hopes of another Spiderman sighting. We went to the river that runs through the city to a park that has a wonderful water feature for children on a hot summer's day. Along the way we encountered yet more cows and we had to take pictures - in this picture something has changed though - Fleur just found out that she did very well on her national test and will be an English Teacher starting in the fall! This was great news and the rest of the day she spent answering congratulatory phone calls and answering emails. I am very proud of her hard work and perseverance. The boys loved the water park and splashed and ran and had a marvelous time until Noah cut his foot :( We had to then head home and perform minor surgery with much ado and band aids and kisses and hugs and reassurance that his foot would not fall off and that after a good long sleep he would be just fine.

After said sleep all was wonderful and Daddy returned from work to a happy home. Dinner was to be at a Chinese restaurant for my benefit - it was a way that Fleur and Julien could provide a dinner when I could have anything I wanted and as much of it as I needed. This was so kind of them and yet the day was really to celebrate Fleur's accomplishments. She doesn't even like Chinese food but wanted me to be well cared for. I hope she celebrated on Saturday at the birthday party she prepared for Julien-a surprise party for the man of her dreams. Sweet dreams were had by all and Stage 5 saw Easy Jet whisk me away to England where there was a rainbow awaiting my return.


  1. You are such a thoughtful and generous friend, I know you are appreciated and loved where ever you go. Thank you for bringing the joy of this family into our loves over here.
    Now come home.

  2. Hi Mary~~ How are you? I missed your call, I am very sorry and sad I missed your call. But it was very nice to hear your voice from voice message. Is the number you can get a call in England?
