Friday, July 23, 2010

Quiet in Oxford

This has been a quiet week for me - worship prep, a few meetings and a walk in town. It is crazy in town now with map reading, umbrella waving, same colored t-shirt wearing tourists! Where did they come from and why are they all here? Where are the students? It is amazing though to hear virtually every language under the sun on the High Street. The other thing that has arrived is scaffolding. Many of the college buildings undergo repairs during the summer season when the colleges are not in session. This means that the wonderful pictures I was able to take on a quiet morning in May are not available to people today - plus it has decided to turn into an English summer - rain and gray on and off with a hint of blue skies to keep the optimism just a smidgen above total depression. Hope and sunshine seem to go together. Well, I have made two PowerPoint presentations for worship on Sunday, written the order of service, written the prayers and oh that's right, I am supposed to have a sermon finished. Started, slept on and ready for real words on a page now so..... off I go

1 comment:

  1. Its that foggy, rainy weather that brought about pietism, don't you think? "No, I really don't need to go out in this to get to church, all I need is here inside my flat. In fact, all I need is in my chest, I don't need to get out of bed"...
    No consolation, I know, but its rainy and 100 degrees here.
