Saturday, June 19, 2010

No Doubting Thomas

Here is the man responsible for my trip - Thomas Sowter. This is the picture from when he was in the Sudbury church, a young father but showing the signs of the stresses of ministry as it appears that his hair is white already (note to self - take stock in Loreal hair color). Throughout this trip I have been so blessed to be able to explore my family history and see how lives of faith have transformed not only their own generation, but generations after them. I have also had the opportunity to meet and learn from a wide variety of clergy and have gained what I can only believe will be valuable insights that will shape my ministry. Thomas did not doubt his faith and because of his witness, neither will I.

I saw the Tiptree church with one of its most recent pastors. It was an interesting place and I wish I had time to go to the Essex County Records Office to explore the congregational records but that will have to wait for another day. What I did learn was that during Thomas' pastorate they had prayer meetings that drew 200-300 people a week. They were praying for discernment and empowerment by the Holy Spirit. How amazing and inspirational. This challenges me then, to go back to the Suffolk County Records office and get the congregational minutes from the time Thomas was in Sudbury. It will be interesting to see if the issues the congergation was dealing with are similar or radically different than today. My guess at this point is that they will be very similar - economics, a rapidly changing world, family and community disagreements, how to help the poor (there were poorhouses in those days instead of any kind of welfare), education and transportation... it will be interesting.

Here is the Congregational Church (door) in Stansfield which I believe is was Thomas' second pastorate.
This is the Sudbury Church where I will preach - fortunately the raised pulpit was added after his time and I don't feel obligated to use it.

The final picture is the Tiptree Congregational Church where my great grandfather Eustace was born (he was born in the manse, not the church but you get the idea).

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