Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Update - Preached too!

Friday in Oxford

Friday I had some time in Oxford and spent some of it at St. Columba's meeting the parish associate, Sue, and talking with the homeless drama group that is using the space on Fridays. Here is the outside of St. Columba's. It is down such a small street that it is hard to find but is perfectly located in the city center. Sue has great ideas about how the facility can be used and is very enthusiastic about making connections with other organizations throughout Oxford.

Saturday in Cumnor

I have had a good weekend. I spent yesterday (Saturday) at the Cumnor URC with 17 other folks learning about contemplative prayer. It was very nice and affirmed what I learned in my prayer and spirituality class this spring. It was a beautiful day so we were out early to enjoy the sunshine. So far the weather has been absolutely gorgeous so I am sure I will be a bit sad when the cooler, wetter weather shows up. As for now it is just fine. After an afternoon of reading in the garden Malcolm and Diana Townsend picked me up and we went to a very good Chinese restaurant. Diana is a retired URC pastor who came into ministry after a full career of teaching Mathematics in the Baccalaureate School System in Belgium. Malcolm was a European Civil Servant and primarily an economist who was very involved in the development and implementation of the Euro. They are a lovely couple and I am thankful for their hospitality. A house in Cumnor Village

Sunday in Cumnor

This morning I had the pleasure of leading worship in the Cumnor church. I had been in the building twice before and met a handful of the parishioners but had not seen worship at all. I was anxious as one could imagine. I always pray that my message, simple as they are, are able to reach someone and move them along on their faith journey. It was Pentecost Sunday and they have a section called "introduction to the theme" This is in place of their children's time since they don't normally have children. How wise they are to have a simple way to hear the message worked into the service. My sermon was about sharing your faith story so that the generations yet to come can know how and why your faith is important. The power of the Holy Spirit allowed the disciples to share the story of Jesus life, death and resurrection in a way that people could hear. As Christian's today, we must do the same.

I feel successful because a woman came up to me afterward and said that she hadn't really thought too much about writing down her faith story but a series of recent family reconnections combined with my message made her feel that she would start right away. Two other people mentioned what they were taking away from the message so... over all I feel good about it. I meet with Carla to reflect on the worship service on Wednesday. I am looking forward to this as I only grow when I reflect and hone my skills.

I spent the afternoon with the Townsends again going to Aston Tirrold where a new URC pastor was being installed. This was a tiny little town but Malcolm made sure I understood that the church was started as an English Presbyterian Church in 1662. This was after Cromwell was removed from power and the Church of England regained control. This little church stood on their faith and has been doing so ever since. It was interesting to see and I was glad to be in company for the afternoon and get to see some of the countryside. I think tomorrow I will walk along the Thames River.

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