Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting Ready

I have finished all my papers and can commence packing. The piles have grown and now I have to sort and figure and scrunch and stuff so that I can get all my stuff in the smallest possible suitcase. It should be fun but I am married to a fantastic engineer so I will ask for help if necessary.

I can't believe this is my last full day at home, a place I don't get to be very often during school so I appreciate my room with a few of my lush backyard, verdant and dripping with the new spring rain. I imagine I will see a few rainy days in England but... I am waterproof so that will be just fine.


  1. Safe travels Mary Jane, and I hope you have as remarkable an experience as I did years ago while studying in Italy. Looking forward to reading your blog!

  2. Blessings to you on this adventure! From the first day you approached me with this idea, I knew that you would do it. You have gathered around you a group of academic and personal support, you have kept a positive attitude, and you remain faithful to your call to enter fully into ministry in this new place. We will pray without ceasing for your well-being! Rev. Ann

  3. Yeeeaaahhh, another blog to read...that is have a great time...we can't wait to read all about it. Be safe!!

  4. Safe Journey!! Looking forward to following your adventure...

  5. I'm so glad you are posting a blog like this! I'll miss seeing you while Jamie and I are home, but look forward to reading your blog. Have a safe trip over there. -Lots of love, Melissa

  6. I miss you already! I hope you had a safe flight over and are enjoying yourself.
