Saturday, June 26, 2010

French Connection

Well, today is my last day at the French household and I have to say that moving house will be fine but sad too. I have really enjoyed my time and will miss the constant contact with such a vibrant and fun family. I have really felt right at home and when one is as far from home as I am, for as long as I am, this is a true blessing.

I spent this morning at a coffee morning in Long Melford - the village with the longest High Street in Europe - nearly 2 miles long. Thomas Sowter would have been at this church on occassion and so I had to take pictures after I had visited with a number of the current members of the congregation. At one moment I was on the threshold of the church with the sun on my back and the smells of an old church and fresh privitt wafting about me. I was in so many places in my personal history - connected three generations back to Thomas and to his grand daughter through the house she bought in Southampton NY where privitt blooms all year round in my mind.
This afternoon, after a wonderful picnic in the garden John and Ben French took me to Rattelsden Gliding Club. It is located on the airfield that my father flew from in 1944 with the 447 Bomb Group. I was able to visit the tower and see the book that had his picture, (bottom row second from the left) name and flight information in it. Needless to say this was another full day in Suffolk.
Off to finish my sermon preparation.....

1 comment:

  1. I bet you were a great show and tell. Love the pictures and the kiddos look so cute:) What a great cultural experience with the French family. Everyone at home here says hello!
